Ed Benier




As a director at MODAL, Ed brings to the team a unique background of rich experiences ranging from 26 years as a police officer through to owning an art gallery and framing store. During his time as a police officer, Ed developed a thirst to understand the motivational drivers of behaviour, a thirst which lead to further studies such as a Master of Business Leadership (MBL) and a Master of Policy and Administration (MPA). Ed is also completing a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.

Since 1999, Ed has brought to the MODAL team a wealth of experience and delivers holistic leadership solutions that create sustainable, positive behaviour change with a focus on achieving a broader “leadership culture” within organisations. Ed has worked closely with organisations such as Rio Tinto, Clough, BGC, City of Bayswater and Landcorp, designing and delivering Leadership Development Programs and Coaching that continues to deliver on strategic outcomes and goals.

As Director at MODAL, Ed specialises in

  • Leadership Development

  • Quality Team Programs

  • Workplace Coaching

  • Cultural Development

  • Product Design and

  • Facilitating Workshops

In his spare time Ed enjoys the arts, every genre of music from classical to rock as well as traveling.


Nicole Burling


Bridget Blackford